Save Venice and American Foundation of Savoy Orders honor H.R.H. Prince Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia

Yvonna Russell
4 min readDec 15, 2019
Anthony Schembri, Joseph B. Giminaro, Lizzie Asher, Prince Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia ©BFA

The young, fabulous and chic joined forces to save Venice from the after math of a devastating flood on Friday evening, December 12th in downtown Manhattan.

Shaina Campbell, Mary Burford, Elvira Bakalbasic©BFA

Young Friends of Save Venice and The American Foundation of Savoy Orders partnered on raising critical funds for the newly created Immediate Response Fund. The elegant appertivo was held at 10 Corso Como in the South Street Seaport.

Michael Espiritu, Felipe Victoria ©BFA

After the enjoying the pre-holiday and vacation bound camaraderie of friends old and new the party got down to business.

Lizzie Asher, Christina Senia©BFA

Lizzie da Trinidade -Asher of the Young Friends Steering Committee of Save Venice introduced the mission to awareness of conservation efforts in Venice to address the worse flood in Venetian history. The climate change effects of acque alte has created the emergency for relief efforts. for artistic and cultural heritage preventative and recovery. The American Foundation of Savoy Orders Youth Program Joseph B. Giminaro introduced guest of honor H.R.H Prince Emmanuel Philbert of Savoy Prince of Venice. Prince Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia is head of the Council of the Savoy Dynastic Orders. The American Foundation of Savoy Orders is a U.S. nonprofit and one of the oldest orders of chivalry in the world The humanitarian goals of the NGO date back a thousand years with endowments to educational programs, hospice care facilities, orphanages and programs supporting disabled veterans.

Joseph B. Giminaro, Prince Emanuele Filberto di Savoia, Anthony Schembri©BFA

Luckily he was in New York for the weekend, Ballo Di Savoia Winter Charity Gala. HRH spoke first hand about the recent November devastation and the importance of conserving Venice for the world as part of our shared cultural heritage to passionate guests.

Mercedes de Guardiola, Casey Kohlberg, Laura Day Webb©BFA

The modern Murano glass decorated restaurant welcomed the sophisticated activists to a reception of delightful specialty cocktails such as the Galliano Spritz with Valdo’s Prosecco and Machu Pisco’s Lima Llama and Q Tonic. 10 Corso Como plated savory bites of salmon canapés, Italian meatballs, carpaccio, and deep fried mozzarella balls.

10 Corso Como ©BFA

The invitation only guests included Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia, Lizzie Asher, Joseph B. and Katherine Giminaro, Carl Morelli, Casey Kohlberg, Anthony Schembri, Christina Senia, Ashlee Harrison, Thomas Zampino, Matteo Bolla, Alexander Hankin, Polina Proshkina, Bernardo Ortiz, Karine Zacharias, Laura Lehmann, Elisa Carollo, Oliver Blodgett, Clayton, Chistina Sena Parker Calvert, Hudson Gaines-Ross, Carly Baum, Laron Howard, Shana Davis, Clare Ngai, Mercedes de Guardiola, Michele Rayden, Michael Espiritu, Felipe Victoria, Jay Cheshes, Baroness Sheri de Borchgrave, Joanita Titan, Christopher Liu, Laura Day Webb, Silvia Mella, Wendy McNett, Brie Bobalek, Flo Anthony, Jasmine Lobe, Kate Mack and Philip Valles.

The funds will be utilized to sponsor conservationists to carry out restoration, to replace steel flood barriers with taller barriers to protect against surging waters, repair and restoration of art treasures. Several of the oldest historic religious structures, The Church of Santa Maria Assunta and the Jewish cemetery and synagogue have been damaged. The Venetian gothic architecture of the Galleria Giorgio Franchetti at the Ca’ D’Oro made of Venetian red clay has been under water for 16 days.

Bernardo Ortiz, Ashlee Harrison, Karine Zacharias, Laura Lehmann©BFA

Thanks to the Immediate Response Fund relief efforts are underway for conservation at The Church of Santa Maria Assunta on the Island of Torcello, Galleria Giorgio Franchetti at the Ca’ D’Oro, The Church of Santa Maria dei Carmini, The Church of Santa Maria del Giglio, The Church of Santa Maria dei Miracoli, The Church of San Moisè, The Church of San Polo, The Church of San Sebastiano, The Church of San Stae, Scuola Dalmata di San Giorgio degli Schiavoni, and Scuola Grande di San Giovanni Evangelista.

Elisa Carollo, Oliver Blodgett, Clayton Calvert, Parker Calvert©BFA

Save Venice is an American nonprofit dedicated to preserving the artistic heritage of Venice Italy since 1971. Save the date. The famous masked ball and major fund raiser the Un Ballo in Maschera will take place on April 17th 2020 at The Pierre Hotel.

Hudson Gaines-Ross, Carly Baum, Laron Howard, Shana Davis, Clare Ngai©BFA

Donations can be made at Save Venice by selecting the Immediate Response Fund and will be matched by Save Venice, dollar for dollar, up to $100,000 through February 2020. Everyone ended the splendid festiva with sense of urgency to save Venice, the time to act is now.



Yvonna Russell

Yvonna Russell is a writer with over 10 years of experience in covering the arts, style, and good causes.