Is There Still Sex In The City?
Ask a woman who knows. The internationally acclaimed and bestselling author Candace Bushnell has written a hot new book, “Is There Still Sex in the City?” Candace explores the dangerous and delicious intersection of romance, middle age and reinvention. The roman a clef details adventures through mid-life of Candace and her good girlfriends Tilda Tia, Kitty, Queenie, Sassy and Marilyn spiced with her candid observations on living and loving. Après her own divorce, the petite blonde retreated to her rustic cottage in the Village. Candace recuperated by writing, walking her poodles Pepper and Prancer, quality time with her female posse and dressage competition as an equestrian. Along the way the women learn the hard way poignant life lessons. The disruption of their happily ever after stories are seen in a new light of wonder, confusion and hope. Life after 50 is richer with resilience, good relationships and a sense of humor.
Just as she refashioned Manhattan lifestyle squad goals with Manolo Blahniks, Cosmopolitans and decadent tales of dating and society twenty years ago. The book covers a hilarious cluster fuck of middle age challenges IRL ageism, downsizing, high end maintenance and the dreaded MAM. The social chronicler who coined the phrases Modelizer, Serial Dater and Mr. Residue. Playing the new dating game for the deluxe single, Candace has added new lexicons to tag cubbing, Supper Middles and The Hot Drop. Candace says, “I see myself as a literary anthropologist!”
As if you didn’t know, while a budding author and woman about town, Candace wrote a column for The New York Observer. Her essays on the glamorous life in Gotham gave birth to her book, “Sex in the City”. Her novel writing career took off after SATC , Candace went on to pen the New York Times Bestsellers “4 Blondes”, “Trading Up”, “Lipstick Jungle”, “One Fifth Avenue”, “The Carrie Diaries”, “Summer and the City” and “ Killing Monica”. She describes her pleasure in writing, “I like doing the actual work of being a writer. It’s mostly problem solving and when it comes together it’s a great feeling.”
Naturally Hollywood came calling and Candace answered. HBO produced the juggernaut Emmy Award and Golden Globe winning television series, ”Sex and the City” and two box office blockbuster feature films. “Lipstick Jungle” was an NBC prime time episodic television show. Candace wrote and produced “The Carrie Diaries” for the CW network. As far as future productions she shares, “They’ve all been optioned for television or movies, some books two or three times. I’d love to see One Fifth Avenue as a television series and Trading Up as a miniseries about the turn of the century (1999 to 2000).”
Fast forward to now, la femme du monde dazzles at galas, openings and of course cocktail parties squired by a new beau. Candace divides her time between her UES New York bachelorette pad and her Village getaway. The celebrated writer has begun a 20 city book tour. “Is There Still Sex In The City?” is bound for a television series with Bushnell writing and exec producing in collaboration with Paramount TV and Anonymous Content. Candace Bushnell’s writing success is like a great lover who turns you out and you only desire more.